When I was a little girl, I remember a family member told me to be nice to one of my uncles because he had money. I was somewhere between five and eight. That advice didn’t sit well with me, so before I was 13, I was already out of the will. No joke. He actually told me that. I’ve never been able to kiss ass. If I say something nice about someone, it’s because I genuinely believe it.
Anyhow, years later, I hit a rough patch at work for my inability to ass-kiss. One of my bosses soon learned that if he wanted someone to blow up his ego, that person wasn’t going to be me. But he also learned that when I thought something was great, I had no problem telling people how great I thought it was. So what does this little story have to do with my music photography? Well, had I not shared this story to someone who doesn’t know me, I would appear to be kissing ass. This being my website, I don’t really need to explain myself, except that I want the world to know how great I think these people are, and know that I’m not just blowing smoke.

I don’t know about you, but having Billy Idol and the rest of the All Stars perform less than a foot away from me, is not my normal Saturday night. All the anticipation and fireworks were well-merited. Another highlight for me was when Steve Vai came on. The moment felt pretty magical. Shoot! It was all pretty rad. Rad and freaking sweaty. God, I was so hot. There was a point in the show where I thought I was going to die from the heat. I felt like someone had dropped a never-ending bucket of sweat on me. I couldn’t cool off. I was so hot, I had to do the crouching tiger, hidden bird, to fan myself. It also took me at least a couple of days to get my hearing back, but, again, it was all worth it. (Another side note: although there were 3 Billy’s that night, I think the place would have spontaneously combusted had they all hit the stage at the same time. So for safety reasons, only two can perform at the same time. Kidding. Or am I? Ha!)
On the bill that night was also a cool band called the Kansas City Bankroll (I was a bit mesmerized by how much the bass player rocked that gigantic bass). It was awesome to witness. Lastly, the always rocking Abby Gennet and her band, Slunt, also performed. So yes, that night will go down as one of my favorite nights at the Viper Room, ever. Once again had it not been for Billy Morrison, I would have missed it all. I really have to thank him for always being super awesome to me. I would have said thank you after the show too but I was all icky and sweaty, yuck. This is where the story I shared earlier totally kicks in. If people don’t know me, they would think that I’m constantly kissing his ass. And here is the truth, the dude is super talented (he paints, DJ’s, and acts too). He has always been a total sweetheart to me. My camera ADORES him (seriously check out all my Billy Morrison pictures). And he has made it possible for me to shoot some of my favorite nights on this planet. How could I not be all about Billy??? Even Dave Navarro once joked, “You’re always at Billy’s side of the stage!” Can you blame a girl? So if anyone thinks I’m sucking up or whatever, I don’t care. The truth is, the dude ROCKS, and I genuinely think the world of him. So there :-).
More gratitude: Because I’m on this thanking bit, there is one more person that I owe a huge note of gratitude towards. Years ago, before I quit taking pictures, he offered to help me build my website. I didn’t have money, I was in a really weird place, and then I went into a deep depression and kinda quit everything. Every once in a while he would check in to see if I was still taking pictures. He always believed in me, even when I didn’t. He’s one of those people who I thank my lucky stars for having met. When he saw that I sorta started sharing pictures again, and when the whole Juliette Lewis regraming one of my pictures madness happened (the power of one regram was crazy), he convinced me to put up this site. Within a day or two, he had it up and running. Thanks to him this site exists. And thanks to him, the dream lives on. Thank you Robert Chafino for being one of the most amazing humans I have ever met. I said this a million times, and I’lll say it again, I may not be lucky with money or love, but I have the most amazing friends ever. Including my editor of this site, and another one of my favorite humans ever, the fabulous Lady Anonymous.
This concludes my shout out to the universe and my expression of gratitude, to some of the most extraordinary people I have met. Go to my gallery to see the full picture sets, and check out their sites to be bombarded with awesomeness. You will not regret it. PS the entire Viper Room All Stars show is on youtube. Check it out.